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Script#1 Bash script to sweep ping

by asdf12345 2022. 9. 6.


  • 다수 호스트의 ping 응답 여부 확인#1  Hosts up

In this example, the Bash script will scan the network for hosts attached to an IP address – 255. The script will print message Node with IP: IP-address is up if ping command was successful. Feel free to modify the script to scan your hosts range.


  ping -c 1 $1 > /dev/null
  [ $? -eq 0 ] && echo Node with IP: $i is up.

for i in 10.1.1.{1..255} 
is_alive_ping $i & disown



  • 다수 호스트의 ping 응답 여부 확인#2  Hosts down

In this next ping Bash script example, we will send an email to a specified email address when ping cannot reach its destination. The system admin can execute this in script regularly with use of a cron scheduler.

The script first uses ping command to ping a host or IP supplied as an argument. In case that destination is unreachable, a mail command will be used to notify the system administrator about this event.


for i in $@
ping -c 1 $i &> /dev/null

if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
	echo "`date`: ping failed, $i host is down!" | mail -s "$i host is down!" my@email.address 



  • IP 지정


IPs=" 10.11.124"

  ping -c 1 $1 > /dev/null
  [ $? -eq 0 ] && echo Node with IP: $i is up.

for i in $IPs; do
is_alive_ping $i & disown