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iOS setting for Pentesting#3 Clutch(tampering)

by asdf12345 2020. 6. 12.

We can get a IPA(iOS Appstore Package) file by using Clutch.

This program is a tool removing DRM(Digital right Management) of IPA.


Let's make it happen.


Link to download Clutch 




First, Check the Applications installed on my iOS.

Make IPA file, Clutch will dump it when DRM removed with option "d".

There will be information of loctaion like this.

I can easily extract the IPA file with 3utools.


If there is a secuirty module, You can see the alert message when app starts.

After finding string about alert, we can change a process logic by changing byte codes in a binary file.



After changing a Binaryfile, We will push app into the phone by using Cydia or 3utools.