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Running Cordova IPA for iPad on iPhone: A Simple Guide

by asdf12345 2023. 9. 30.


Have you ever wanted to run a Cordova IPA designed for iPad on an iPhone?





Well, you're in luck! There’s a straightforward way to do it, especially if you’re registered as an Apple Developer.

unzip [FileName].ipa
rm -R "./Payload/[PackageName].app/_CodeSignature"
cp ./Payload/[PackageName].app/Info.plist .

#Change UIDeviceFamily
rm -rf ./Payload/[PackageName].app/Info.plist
cp ./Info.plist ./Payload/[PackageName].app/Info.plist
cp "../embedded.mobileprovision" "Payload/[PackageName].app/embedded.mobileprovision"

#determine the identity name to use for the next step
security find-identity -pcodesigning -v

/usr/bin/codesign -f -s "iPhone Distribution: xxx (yyy)" --entitlements entitlements.plist "Payload/[PackageName].app"

zip -qr test.ipa Payload


Let's install it with 3utools on an iPhone! If you have any questions, please let me know. haha




Note: Please be aware that there may be issues related to image size(e.g. dialog). Most screens are optimized to support larger displays and include scroll bars to enhance user navigation. However, should the display size be inadequate, you may encounter viewing limitations.