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Setting#1 A Guide to Using Checkra1n Jailbreak on Windows for iOS 14.X (2023) checkra1n supports iOS 14.X for jailbreak, you may note that the official checkra1n release is currently only available for Mac. I will share an easy method for using checkra1n on Windows with just a USB connection. Note: Jailbreaking iOS devices has long been a topic of interest for those who want more control and customization over their iPhones and iPads. While it's a legitimate endeavor for .. 2023. 10. 2.
Running Cordova IPA for iPad on iPhone: A Simple Guide Have you ever wanted to run a Cordova IPA designed for iPad on an iPhone? Well, you're in luck! There’s a straightforward way to do it, especially if you’re registered as an Apple Developer. unzip [FileName].ipa rm -R "./Payload/[PackageName].app/_CodeSignature" cp ./Payload/[PackageName].app/Info.plist . #Change UIDeviceFamily rm -rf ./Payload/[PackageName].app/Info.plist cp ./Info.plist ./Payl.. 2023. 9. 30.
iOS Analysis#1 CydiaSubstrate Hooking [ CydiaSubstrate를 이용한 탈옥 우회 앱 분석 ] \ 1. CydiaSubstrate? =code modification platform, hooking하여 Application 로직을 변경하는 라이브러리이다. (iOS 에서 find / -name libsubstrate*를 통해 바이너리 경로 확인가능.) 2. Analyzing Application using CydiaSubstrate(FlyJB) iOS 앱 중 CydiaSubstrate를 이용하여 Hooking시도하는 Application Binary File Logic 확인 시, libsubstrate.dylib 이용하는 것을 확인할 수 있다. libsubstrate 라이브러리 내 CydiaSubstrate 주요 로직들이 존재한다. AP.. 2020. 7. 4.
iOS setting for Pentesting#3 Clutch(tampering) We can get a IPA(iOS Appstore Package) file by using Clutch. This program is a tool removing DRM(Digital right Management) of IPA. Let's make it happen. Link to download Clutch https://github.com/KJCracks/Clutch/releases First, Check the Applications installed on my iOS. Make IPA file, Clutch will dump it when DRM removed with option "d". There will be information of loctaion like this. I can ea.. 2020. 6. 12.
iOS setting for Pentesting#2 flyjb(jailbreak bypass) I will use the flyjb to bypass jailbreak Let's make it happen 1. After accessing to this page on phone, and click the button https://www.ios-repo-updates.com/repository/xsf1re-s-repo/package/kr.xsf1re.flyjb/ 2. Install Source through cydia, then you can see a new list on the Setting. 3. After sliding the button of application what you want to bypass jailbreak on, you can bypass jailbraek. 2020. 6. 11.
iOS setting for Pentesting#1 jailbreak, frida 1. jailbreak 환경 iOS version : 9.3.2 3utool 도구를 이용하여 탈옥하자! jailbreak iOS through 3utools 다운로드 경로 http://www.3u.com/ iOS 내 파일 접근을 위해, 3utools를 통해서 AFC tweak 설치 For accessing to files, I have to install AFC through 3utools http://www.3u.com/tutorial/articles/how-to-install-appsync-afc2-service 2. Frida Setting 0)편리한 원격 명령 전달을 위해, Cydia(3utool를이용해서 탈옥 시, 설치되는 Application)을 통해서 Open SSH tweak을 설치한다. .. 2020. 6. 10.